The Office for Standards in Education (Ofsted) is an organisation set up by the government. Their job is to inspect schools (plus other organisations) to ensure that education for children is up to set standards. They are also responsible for ensuring that children are well looked after and kept safe whilst in school.

We Are Pleased To Share That Quinton Church Primary School Is An ‘Good’ School.

Our latest Ofsted report can be accessed here.

Ofsted Said…

“The school lives up to its stated aim that it is a ‘servant of the community it serves’. The school strives to ensure that it achieves the best for every child. To that end staff know each child’s needs well.”

“Pupils enjoy coming to school and are enthusiastic about their reading. They are very proud of their well-kept book bags which they take home so that parents can read with them.”

“Pupils’ learning is closely linked to values of peace and respect for others. They understand about people with different faiths.”

“Leaders engage well with parents to make sure they are fully involved in their children’s learning and the life of the school.”
