Vision & Values

Our School Vision

Fullness of life for all, through working together with the love of Christ.

At Quinton Church Primary School, we believe that everyone should have life in all its fullness. Therefore, our aim is for everyone to be part of our Christian community where everyone is happy, safe and supported, feels loved and demonstrates kindness; understands justice and shows fairness to all; and receives high quality education and is empowered to live life to the full (John 10:10). 

In our diverse community life – in classroom, playground, staff room, and the wider community- our core life is one set on the belief that we are created by and in the image of a generous, loving and creative God who has justice for all at the origin of His being. We are humans created equally by this loving God whose desire for us is to experience life in all its depth and complexity, as well as to reach our full potential. 

It is because of who God is that drives our whole school to seek the development of a community that is distinctive in its Christian core. In every part of the school experience, we want everyone to be happy, safe and supported, feeling loved and valued, experiencing fairness and equality, just as God has demonstrated this to us through the living example of his son, Jesus Christ. 

As a school we are inspired by the instruction in Micah 6:8 “The LORD has told us what is good. What he requires of us is this: to do what is just, to show constant love, and to live in humble fellowship with our God.”

Therefore, we will aim to demonstrate and encourage a life that understands justice and shows fairness in every circumstance; shows love to all, demonstrating kindness in every way; and living in recognising God in each other and in our community.

The key strands from our vision that enables pupils and staff to have life in all its fullness are:

  • Life in all its fullness through being part of a Christian community where everyone is happy, safe and supported, feels loved and demonstrates kindness.
  • Life in all its fullness through understanding justice and showing fairness to all.
  • Life in all its fullness through receiving a high-quality education.

Please watch the video below of some of our pupils showing how we live out our vision.

Christian Values

At Quinton Church Primary School, our Christian Values are: 

Be kind, be fair, be thankful

 These overarching values of kindness, fairness and thankfulness are further explored through the values set out below- 

Kindness- compassion, service, peace, love

Fairness- justice, forgiveness, wisdom

Thankfulness- hope, friendship, trust

We have these values because of Jesus and are our basis for teaching children about the life and work of Jesus. 

Each of our values, has a series of bible stories linked to it. Through collective and class worship, we use these stories to help us understand the values and the impact they can have on our lives. Worship is part of our daily routine at Quinton Church Primary School.