
Parents In School

We welcome parents into Quinton church Primary School. If you have some time to spare and would like to help in school, please let us know. There are often occasions when teachers would welcome a helping hand with cooking, sewing, art, hearing children read or just an extra pair of hands around the class.

If parents have any concerns at any point during the year the staff will make every effort to see you as soon as possible. It is best to come in after school as before school, teachers are very busy preparing for the school day.

It is always best to discuss everyday problems with the class teacher in the first instance as they are most likely to be able to deal with any problems.

It is inappropriate to try and deal with problems with a class of children or other parents around. Please be aware of other children and adults in school at all times.

Staff are available by their classes or in the playground for a few minutes after school every day. We see these times as a positive chance to sort out concerns as soon as possible. Please make use of this time.