Religious Education
At Quinton Church Primary School our aim for our RE curriculum is to enable every child to flourish and to live life in all its fullness (John 10:10).
RE is fundamental in allowing us to celebrate the rich, culturally diverse society that our children are growing up in today. RE provides our pupils with the opportunity to: acquire a rich, deep knowledge and understanding of Christian belief and practice; interact with Biblical texts and theological ideas; and be engaged and challenged through an exploration of core concepts and questions. In addition, it is paramount that children gain an understanding of world faiths in order to understand, respect, celebrate and live peacefully with differences that exist within our school, community and the wider world. Through our RE curriculum we aim to encourage children to become people who live with understanding and respect for diversity and difference.
At Quinton Church Primary School, we are following the Sandwell Agreed Syllabus, and using the Understanding Christianity resource, for teaching RE. The Agreed Syllabus for Religious Education in Sandwell contains the requirements for religious education as laid down in the relevant Education acts.
Through our RE curriculum, we aim;
- to engage pupils in enquiring into and exploring questions arising from the study of religion and belief, so as to promote their personal, spiritual, moral, social and cultural development.
- to provide learners with knowledge and understanding of Christianity and other principal religious traditions and beliefs represented in Great Britain.
- to develop their understanding of the ways in which beliefs influence people in their behaviour, practices and outlook.
- to enable learners to apply the insights of the principal religious traditions to their own search for identity and significance.
- to enable learners to become aware of their own beliefs and values and to have a positive attitude to the search for meaning and purpose in life.
- to encourage learners to develop a positive attitude towards other people who hold religious beliefs different from their own.
At Quinton Church Primary School, we respect the diverse beliefs and values of our community. Parents have the right to withdraw their child from Religious Education (RE) lessons if they wish. If you would like to exercise this right, please contact the school office to discuss the process and any alternative arrangements for your child during RE lessons.